What uses more than 180 spark plugs, runs on pump gas, is nationally
sanctioned and receives international media attention, accelerates from 0 to 100 MPH in
under six seconds, appears in exciting venues and markets throughout the United States…
Powerboat Superleague.
The hottest race boats in the world unleash full-bore exhilaration during
professional powerboat racing – Superleague style. Raw horsepower riding on the
water’s edge, powering through turns at top speed, streaking down the straights at
an average 115 mph – that’s Powerboat Superleague, the world’s oldest
and the nation’s most respected tunnel boat circuit for Formula Two and Formula
Three teams, owned by the nation’s foremost producer – APR Events Group.
Thanks for visiting APR Superleague.com!
Powerboat Superleague Official Photographer - Chance Brockway,
Photos on this website courtesy of Chance Brockway, Jr., Mike Tilton and Paul Kemiel